Two of Girl Meets World premiered
this past Monday. It’s the first day of 8th grade at John Quincy Adams Middle
School, where Riley and Maya believe they are the kings of the school,
seemingly at the center of the universe where everyone and everything revolves
around them. To lock this independent ruler status, they want to avoid another
year of Cory as their teacher, so the best friends transfer to another history
class. Their new teacher, however, is very strict and forces the girls to sit
separately. They later transfer back and Cory gladly welcomes them back.
girls are frustrated because they feel as though their parents are a hovering
presence, circling around them like planets, with Cory once again as their
history teacher and Topanga and Katy, Riley and Maya’s mothers respectively,
working at the bakery. Mrs. Svorski, the former owner of the bakery, asked
Topanga to take over the bakery and by the end of the episode, has passed away.
At the funeral, Riley realizes that she isn’t the center of the universe with
planets revolving around her, but instead that she and the rest of us should circle
loved ones as long as they’re here and hold them close, because they hold you
in place like gravity. She concludes that people are not kings, but just tiny
little speaks in this great big universe, invoking a similar message from
Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, a play
Cory was teaching the class earlier in the episode. Cory later calls Mr. Feeny
to make sure he's still there, and he is.
Girl Meets World returned with a big bang, a fitting
compliment considering the use of planets, the sun, and the greater solar
system in this episode. Not only did we take away the always-important, but
often forgotten message to appreciate life and our loved ones, but also we, as
loyal Boy Meets World fans, squealed
in excitement when Mr. Feeny made his special appearance. Stay tuned for other
familiar faces this season like Rider Strong as Shawn Hunter and Will Friedle
as Cory’s older brother Eric. Other future guest stars include Anthony Tyler
Quinn as Mr. Turner, Trina McGee-Davis as Shawn's ex-girlfriend Angela, and
Blake Clark as Shawn's late father Chet. I simply cannot wait!!
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